Light a Candle & Say a Prayer at Saints Constantine and Helen

“I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

“It is impossible to imagine an Orthodox church in which candles are not lit.”

(Blessed Simeon of Thessalonica, 15th Century)

We know that during this trying time, it can be difficult to pray from home and not physically be in the church. One of the first things most people do upon entering our church is to light a candle and offer prayers for one’s personal needs or that of a family member or friend, we also light candles to pray for protection and safety so that we may live this life without fear.

For those wishing to light a candle, click the "Make Selection Here" button, and choose what you would like. Please submit the names of your loved ones, those who are alive and/or those who have departed this life.

During services a Parish Council member will happily light your candle selection for you and Father will read and pray for the names that have been submitted during the Divine Liturgy or service.

If you can not give but still need prayer, click on the prayer buttons and your request will be submitted to Father and he will pray for you or whomever you call to heart during services.


beeswax taper candle

A simple beeswax candle that will be lit for you in the church narthex.Please include the names of those you wish Father to pray for.

8 day candle.jpeg

7 Day candle

7 day candle that will be lit for you in the main sanctuary. Please include the names of those you wish Father to pray for.


One Time donation

A one time donation in an amount of your choosing.Please include the names of those you wish Father to pray for.

Saints Constantine and Helen Vision Statement

Join us, the committed believers of Saints Constantine and Helen in living & sharing the love of the Holy Trinity & becoming the Kingdom of God on earth. We accomplish our mission through worship, fellowship, service to others, partaking of the Sacraments & witnessing the Truth revealed through the person of Jesus Christ, handed down unchanged from the Apostolic Fathers. We glorify God by loving one another as Christ loves us.
